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December 30, 2020

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Winter is a season of recovery and preparation. - Paul Theroux


Around the Farm

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Another building project, a Skating Rink, and More Music

Martin always seems to find another building project. This one is just tiny compared to the others. The pump "shack" that housed the equipment for pumping water from the Saint Mary River Irrigation District to our fields was in disrepair. Because the weather was so warm (above 0°° C even overnight), the guys were able to level the ground, pour cement, and construct a sturdy building for the water pump and other equipment needed to move water. Another project ready for the spring.

Now that it's colder, a skating rink has been prepped on the frozen dugout for the kids, both big and small. The weather has been perfect for skating – cold enough to keep the water frozen, but warm enough that the skaters aren't.

In the evenings, it's time for more music. Mathijs has enjoyed learning to play his guitars (acoustic and electric) and jamming with the guys. Konstantijn and Marseilles are increasing their piano repertoires and have provided lovely music for all of us.

We're all recovering from the busyness of the summer and fall and enjoying a bit more leisure. It helps regenerate your creativity.


Martin, The Angry Farmer

Christmas Is Dead

Martin received a response to his video Merry Christmas from the Angry Farmer.

The person brought up a number of points, which are common retorts for why you should celebrate Christmas. Martin demands attention by his response in this video.


Urban Micro Greens


Look at this! Locally grown greens in the middle of the winter, powerhouse microgreens.

We love these organic microgreens, a burst of green goodness in every bite.
A microgreen is essentially a mini version of a mature vegetable or "green." The seeds are planted in high density and only grow to a few inches before harvesting.

Small but mighty, microgreens are incredibly nutrient dense. In some cases, 40 times denser than the adult counterpart.

The aromatics and flavours of microgreens are intense and brilliantly fresh, with lots of varieties. These minis are not bitter or tough, making them perfect for tossing in a salad, spreading in a sandwich or pita, or as an elegant side dressing for a fancy dish.

The eco-friendly containers are compostable plant-based material.
Urban Micro Greens have done their homework to produce a truly environmentally friendly product that tastes great.


Our Farm Favorites

Harvest Haven Pasture-Raised Lamb Stew - Tender, flavorful lamb makes a delicious stew for a comforting meal on a cold winter day.

Harvest Haven Linzer Potatoes - These smooth, thin-skinned potatoes are so yummy. Perfect for roasting or boiling, served hot or cold, in salads or with the main course. A favorite for sure!

Harvest Haven Parsnips – A sweet cream-colored root vegetable that makes a delicious side dish. Roast with olive oil and spices until caramelized a bit and still slightly crispy, sauté in olive oil with a dash of rosemary or thyme, boil and mash with butter, milk, and grated Parmesan cheese. Sweet like carrots, creamy like potatoes.

Harvest Haven Garlic - The staple of staples. A wonder food of flavor and power, one of the greatest known natural antibiotics, and lots of it.

Organic Satsuma Oranges – The season is almost over for these juicy bursts of flavor, sweet-yet-tart. Delectable as a fresh snack or used in savory dishes and desserts.

Neal Brother's Organic Pretzel Rods, 280 g - These rods, made with organic flour, are the perfect size and shape for dipping! A great snack.

Neal Brothers Foods was launched in the spring of 1988 by brothers Chris and Peter Neal from their mom's Aurora, Ontario home. They had always insisted on healthier foods and avoided artificial flavours and colours. With organics becoming more popular and more available, Neal Brothers have been able to grow their organic offering, for which we are thankful.


The Recipe Box

Please note, all ingredients in our recipes are organic.


Lamb Lancashire Hot Pot

1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1 lb Harvest Haven lamb stew meat
2 Harvest Haven cooking onions, peeled and sliced thinly
1 heaped tbsp flour
2 cups Harvest Haven hot lamb bone broth
2 bay leaves
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
3 Harvest Haven carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
1 1/2 pounds Harvest Haven Linzer potatoes, sliced to 2-3mm thick
1 tbsp melted butter for brushing
1/4 tsp dried thyme

Preheat the oven to 325° F.

Melt the butter and oil in a medium-sized casserole or saucepan and fry the lamb until lightly browned all over. Spoon the lamb into a bowl, then add the onions to the pan and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring regularly, until soft.

Add the lamb back in, then stir in the flour, cooking for a minute. Add in the stock, bay leaves, salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce. Give everything a stir, bring to a gentle boil. Cover and cook in the oven for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, stir in the carrots. At this point, you can transfer the contents of the pan to a casserole or pie dish if you wish. Top with the sliced potatoes. Start from the outside, and layer the potatoes, moving towards the centre.

Brush the top of the potatoes with the melted butter and sprinkle on the dried thyme. Cover with a lid or foil and place back in the oven for 1 hour.

After an hour, turn the oven up to 400°F and remove the lid. Cook for a further 30 minutes until the potatoes are browned and crisp on top.

Take out of the oven, and leave to rest for 5 minutes or so (it will be very hot), then serve with some green vegetables.


Roasted Garlic Parsnip Puree

2 lb. Harvest Haven parsnips, peeled and cut into 2" pieces
3 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided
Freshly ground black pepper
1 head Harvest Haven garlic
3/4 c. milk
4 tbsp. butter
2 tsp. thyme leaves

Preheat oven to 400° F. Place parsnips on a large baking sheet and drizzle with 2 tablespoons oil. Season with salt and pepper. Cut off top of garlic head and drizzle with remaining 1 tablespoon oil. Wrap tightly in foil and place on a baking sheet with parsnips. Bake until parsnips are very tender, 40 minutes. Garlic should be golden and very soft; if not, place back in oven and continue to bake another 15 minutes. Set aside until cool enough to handle.

Place parsnips into a large bowl or food processor. Squeeze each clove of garlic into bowl with parsnips. Add milk, butter, and thyme and blend until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.

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Mandarin Orange No Bake Cheesecake

1 1/4 cups crushed pretzels
1/4 cups sugar
6 oz. butter, melted

Cheesecake Filling
8 oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 cups full fat sour cream
2/3 cup sugar
3/4 tsp vanilla
1 cup heavy whipping cream
8-10 mandarin oranges (about 1 3/4 lb)

Mix together the crumbs, sugar and melted butter in a bag until well combined.

Press the crumbs into a 9 inch pie pan.

You can either freeze the crust or cook it. It holds together BETTER if it's cooked, but will work either way.

If baking - preheat oven to 375° F, bake for 7 mins and let cool completely.

Cheesecake Filling
Beat the cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla on medium speed until smooth.

In another bowl whip the heavy whipping cream until medium to stiff peaks form.

Then gently fold in the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture.

Cut up half of the mandarin oranges and stir into the mixture.

Spread into the pie pan.

Place the rest of the mandarin oranges over the top of the pie, refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

Take out 15 mins prior to serving, cut and enjoy!


Down on the Farm

Music Video

The Van Popta children aren't the only ones making music. Victor has been busy getting more of his songs produced and made available for your listening pleasure and inspiration.

Peruse Victor's music website and enjoy a walk through his life in music.


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